
ASA202 Instructor Qualification Clinic

Original price was: $360.00.Current price is: $325.00.

Class Dates:

July 29, October 14

Please select a class date you want and then contact to confirm availability.  Once we confirm availability you can sign up and pay with a credit card.

Includes the following ASA202 IQC Documents that will be included in the confirmation email sent to candidates at sign up:

ASA202 IQC Confirmation and Instructions

107B Instructor Upgrade Clinic

ASA138 IQC Cert Request Form

ASA149 Afloat Teaching Skills

ASA163 Sailing Skills Evaluation Form

ASA108 Terms and Conditions

ASA066 Instruction Topics

ASA130 Liability Waiver

ASA102 Keelboat 2 Study Guide

Captain In You Sailing School Waiver Form

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